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Dear Kindergarten Parents

I am writing to inform you that sadly Kate Dane, mother to Archer (KM) and Wylder and wife to Matthew, died this morning after a long illness. Many of you know the family and have known of their situation and have provided invaluable support today, to the family.        

Archer has mentioned to some of his friends that his mother has died, and your child may come home today stating the fact or asking questions.   

We have not told the children of kindergarten classes, that a parent has died, we feel that the person best placed to have this conversation with your child, is you, their parent.  

Each family has their own unique way of referencing death and the fact sheet attached provides sound psychological support on how to best frame the conversation, to ensure that your child deals with the information in an age-appropriate manner.

We would ask that you do have a discussion with your child this evening so that they are aware of the fact and can support their classmate Archer in the weeks ahead.

We would ask that you monitor the adult conversations you may have with others, in their presence, so that they are not overwhelmed.

On behalf of the teaching staff and the wider Abbotsford community, I would like to extend my condolences to Matt and his family and wish them peace and comfort as they grieve.   

Chris Johnson 


We choose to recognise the Wangal People of the Eora Nation as the true owners of the land on which we stand: of the sky above and of the water that surrounds us. We thank the Elders, both of the past and the present, who are the traditional custodians of this country and we promise to care for the land and respect it as they have done. As we play and learn together, we extend that respect to all Aboriginal people.

Abbotsford Public School
Address: 350 Great North Road Abbotsford NSW 2046
Phone: 02 9713 6220

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